find Directory Reference


file  FindAFNI.cmake [code]
 Find programs of the AFNI package.
file  FindARPACK.cmake [code]
file  FindBASH.cmake [code]
 Find BASH interpreter.
file  FindBASIS.cmake [code]
file  FindBLAS.cmake [code]
 Find BLAS library.
file  FindBoostNumericBindings.cmake [code]
 Find Boost Numeric Bindings package.
file  FindEigen3.cmake [code]
file  FindFLANN.cmake [code]
file  FindGMock.cmake [code]
 Find Google Mock package.
file  FindITK.cmake [code]
 Find an ITK installation or build tree.
file  FindJython.cmake [code]
file  FindJythonInterp.cmake [code]
 Find Jython interpreter.
file  FindLIBLINEAR.cmake [code]
 Find LIBLINEAR package.
file  FindMATLAB.cmake [code]
 Find MATLAB installation.
file  FindMatlabNiftiTools.cmake [code]
 Find MATLAB Central package "Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE Image" (#8797).
file  FindMIRTK.cmake [code]
file  FindMOSEK.cmake [code]
 Find MOSEK ( package.
file  FindNiftiCLib.cmake [code]
 Find nifticlib package.
file  FindPerl.cmake [code]
 Find Perl interpreter.
file  FindPerlLibs.cmake [code]
 Find Perl libraries. Fixes issue with CMake's default FindPerlLibs.
file  FindPython.cmake [code]
file  FindPythonInterp.cmake [code]
 Find Python interpreter.
file  FindPythonModules.cmake [code]
 Find Python modules.
file  FindSparseBayes.cmake [code]
 Find SparseBayes package from Vector Anomaly Limited.
file  FindSphinx.cmake [code]
 Find Sphinx documentation build tools.
file  FindSVMTorch.cmake [code]
 Find SVMTorch II package.
file  FindTBB.cmake [code]
file  FindUMFPACK.cmake [code]
file  FindWeka.cmake [code]
 Find Weka ( package.