Find Package Modules

CMake Find modules used by basis_find_package() command. More...


file  FindAFNI.cmake
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file  FindBASH.cmake
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file  FindBLAS.cmake
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 Find Boost Numeric Bindings package.
file  FindGMock.cmake
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file  FindITK.cmake
 Find an ITK installation or build tree.
file  FindJythonInterp.cmake
 Find Jython interpreter.
file  FindLIBLINEAR.cmake
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file  FindMATLAB.cmake
 Find MATLAB installation.
file  FindMatlabNiftiTools.cmake
 Find MATLAB Central package "Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE Image" (#8797).
file  FindMOSEK.cmake
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file  FindNiftiCLib.cmake
 Find nifticlib package.
file  FindPerl.cmake
 Find Perl interpreter.
file  FindPerlLibs.cmake
 Find Perl libraries. Fixes issue with CMake's default FindPerlLibs.
file  FindPythonInterp.cmake
 Find Python interpreter.
file  FindSphinx.cmake
 Find Sphinx documentation build tools.
file  FindSVMTorch.cmake
 Find SVMTorch II package.
file  FindWeka.cmake
 Find Weka ( package.

Detailed Description

CMake Find modules used by basis_find_package() command.

The BASIS package provides CMake Find module implementations for third-party packages which are commonly used at SBIA but do not provide a CMake package configuration file (<Package>Config.cmake or <package>-config.cmake) such that CMake cannot find the package by default in config-mode.