
Source Code

The source code of the CMake BASIS package is hosted on GitHub from which all releases and latest development versions can be downloaded. See the Release Notes for a summary of changes in each release.

Either clone the Git repository:

git clone --depth=1

or download the latest BASIS release package.

See also

The Quick Start Guide can help you get up and running.

System Requirements

Operating System: Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows

Software Packages: See the Prerequisites for a full list of dependencies.

Software License

The CMake BASIS package is distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. A number of source files included and used by CMake BASIS originate from other Open Source projects and are thus bound by their own respective Open Source license. For a complete list of copyright and license notices, have a look at the COPYING file.

The original “BASIS” package was developed at the Section of Biomedical Image Analysis (SBIA) of the University of Pennsylvania. The “BASIS” package was released under the SBIA Contribution and Software License Agreement, a BSD-style Open Source software license. Since 2013, the forked and slightly renamed “CMake BASIS” package is further developed and maintained by its original author Andreas Schuh after leaving SBIA. Andrew Hundt from Carnegie Mellon University joined the development of CMake BASIS soon after.

Package Content

The following table summarizes the content of the CMake BASIS package briefly with links to the master branch of the Git repository hosted on GitHub which allows browsing through the files online.

BasisProject.cmake Meta-data used for the build configuration.
CMakeLists.txt Root CMake configuration file.
config/ Package configuration files.
doc/ Documentation source files.
example/ Example files used in the tutorials.
include/ Public header files.
src/cmake/ CMake modules and corresponding auxiliary files.
src/sphinx/ Themes and extensions for the Sphinx documentation tool.
src/utilities/ Source code of utility functions.
tools/ Source code of command-line tools and project templates.
test/ Unit tests for the provided libraries.


BASIS Manual: PDF version of software manual.