Parsing the Command-line Arguments in C++ΒΆ

For the parsing of command-line arguments in C++, BASIS includes a slightly extended version of the Templatized C++ Command Line Parser (TCLAP) Library. For details and usage of this library, please refer to the TCLAP documentation. It is in particular recommended to read the TCLAP manual. Further, the TCLAP API documentation is a good reference on the available command-line argument classes. The API documentation of the TCLAP classes can also be found as part of this documentation.


BASIS provides its own subclass of the TCLAP::CmdLine class which is also named CmdLine, but in the basis namespace, i.e., basis::CmdLine. Most of the argument implementations are, however, simply typedefs of the commonly used TCLAP::Arg subclasses. See the API documentation for a list of command-line arguments which are made available as part of the basis namespace.

The usage of the command-line parsing library shall be demonstrated in the following on the implementation of an example command-line program. It should be noted that the try-catch block in the main() function will only help to track errors in the command-line specification, but once the cmd instance is initialized properly, all runtime exceptions related to the parsing of the command-line are handled by BASIS.

 * @file  smoothimage.cxx
 * @breif Smooth image using Gaussian or anisotropic diffusion filtering.

#include <package/basis.h> // include BASIS C++ utilities

// acceptable in .cxx file
using namespace std;
using namespace basis;

// ===========================================================================
// smoothing filters
// ===========================================================================

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int gaussianfilter(const string&               imagefile,
                   const vector<unsigned int>& r,
                   double                      std)
    // [...]
    return 0;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int anisotropicfilter(const string& imagefile)
    // [...]
    return 0;

// ===========================================================================
// main
// ===========================================================================

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // define command-line arguments
    SwitchArg gaussian(                          // option switch
        "g", "gaussian",                         // short and long option name
        "Smooth image using a Gaussian filter.", // argument help
        false);                                  // default value

    SwitchArg anisotropic(                       // option switch
        "a", "anisotropic",                      // short and long option name
        "Smooth image using anisotropic diffusion filter.", // argument help
        false);                                  // default value

    MultiUIntArg gaussian_radius(                // unsigned integer values
        "r", "radius",                           // short and long option name
        "Radius of Gaussian kernel in each dimension.", // argument help
        false,                                   // required?
        "<rx> <ry> <rz>",                        // value type description
        3,                                       // number of values per argument
        true);                                   // accept argument only once

    DoubleArg gaussian_std(                      // floating-point argument value
        "", "std",                               // only long option name
        "Standard deviation of Gaussian in voxel units.", // argument help
        false,                                   // required?
        2.0,                                     // default value
        "<float>");                              // value type description

    // [...]

    PositionalArg imagefile(                     // positional, i.e., unlabeled
        "image",                                 // only long option name
        "Image to be smoothed.",                 // argument help
        true,                                    // required?
        "",                                      // default value
        "<image>");                              // value type description

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // parse command-line
    try {
        vector<string> examples;

                "EXENAME --gaussian --std 3.5 --radius 5 5 3 brain.nii\n"
                "Smooths the image brain.nii using a Gaussian with standard"
                " deviation 3.5 voxel units and 5 voxels in-slice radius and"
                " 3 voxels radius across slices.");

                "EXENAME  --anisotropic brain.nii\n"
                "Smooths the image brain.nii using an anisotropic diffusion filter.");

        CmdLine cmd(
                // program identification
                "smoothimage", PROJECT,
                // program description
                "This program smooths an input image using either a Gaussian "
                "filter or an anisotropic diffusion filter.",
                // example usage
                // version information
                RELEASE, "2011 University of Pennsylvania");

        // The constructor of the CmdLine class has already added the standard
        // arguments --help, --helpshort, --helpxml, --helpman, and --version.

        cmd.xorAdd(gaussian, anisotropic);

        cmd.parse(argc, argv);
    } catch (CmdLineException& e) {
        // invalid command-line specification
        cerr << e.error() << endl;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // smooth image - access parsed argument value using Arg::getValue()
    unsigned int r[3];

    if (gaussian.getValue()) {
        return gaussianfilter(imagefile.getValue(),
    } else {
        return anisotropicfilter(imagefile.getValue());

Running the above program with the --help option will give the output:

    smoothimage [--std <float>] [--radius <rx> <ry> <rz>] [--verbose|-v]
                {--gaussian|--anisotropic} <image>
    smoothimage [--help|-h|--helpshort|--helpxml|--helpman|--version]

    This program smooths an input image using either a Gaussian filter or
    an anisotropic diffusion filter.

    Required arguments:
       -g or --gaussian
            Smooth image using a Gaussian filter.
       or -a or --anisotropic
            Smooth image using anisotropic diffusion filter.

            Image to be smoothed.

    Optional arguments:
       -s or --std <float>
            Standard deviation of Gaussian in voxel units.

       -r or --radius <rx> <ry> <rz>
            Radius of Gaussian kernel in each dimension.

    Standard arguments:
       -- or --ignore_rest
            Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

       -v or --verbose
            Increase verbosity of output messages.

       -h or --help
            Display help and exit.

            Display short help and exit.

            Display help in XML format and exit.

            Display help as man page and exit.

            Display version information and exit.

    smoothimage --gaussian --std 3.5 --radius 5 5 3 brain.nii

        Smooths the image brain.nii using a Gaussian with standard
        deviation 3.5 voxel units and 5 voxels in-slice radius and 3 voxels
        radius across slices.

    smoothimage --anisotropic brain.nii

        Smooths the image brain.nii using an anisotropic diffusion filter.

    SBIA Group <sbia-software at>

The --helpshort output contains the synopsis of the full help only:

smoothimage [--std <float>] [--radius <rx> <ry> <rz>] [--verbose|-v]
            {--gaussian|--anisotropic} <image>
smoothimage [--help|-h|--helpshort|--helpxml|--helpman|--version]