Configure a Project

This guide demonstrates some of the more advanced details, tricks, and tools to modify and configure your project.

See also

The guide on how to Create/Modify a Project and the Project Template which defines the typical project layout.

Build Configuration


The key file for any project is the BasisProject.cmake file which can be found in the root directory of each project or module if the project is a subproject of another. It sets basic information about a project such as its name, version, and dependencies. Therefore it calls the basis_project() command which provides several parameters for setting these project attributes.


Dependencies specified as arguments of the basis_project() command also support more advanced selection of specific version and package components. If some components of an external package are optional while others are required, multiple dependency declarations to the same package can be used which will only differ in the list of package components.

The syntax for specifying dependencies is:

  # [...]
  # [...]


The components can be separated by whitespace characters such as spaces, tabs, and newlines. In this case, the dependency declaration has to be enclosed in double quotes such that it is treated by CMake as a single argument of the basis_project command.

In the example below, ITK-4{IOKernel} therefore is a dependency on the external ITK package, in particular version 4 or above and only the IOKernel component is required. You can also be more specific regarding the version using a dependency declaration such as ITK-4.2 or ITK-3.18.0. Whether or not an external dependency meets the version requirements is determined by CMake’s find_package command. See the CMake documentation of this command for more details, where the VERSION and COMPONENTS options directly relate to the respective parts of the BASIS dependency declaration.

  # [...]
  # [...]

Note that in case of a modularized project, the top-level project cannot have one of its own modules as dependency. The modules themselves, however, can and usually will depend on other modules of the same top-level project. If the module should also be able to exist as a standalone project or as part of other top-level projects, the dependency declaration should refer to another module as PackageName{OtherModule} instead of just OtherModule, where PackageName is the name of the top-level project which provides the other module, i.e., which defines the root namespace that the modules belong to.


Besides the BasisProject.cmake file, the config/Settings.cmake file contains the second most important project build configuration settings of a BASIS project. It is not required, but will be present in many projects. It is included by the root CMakeLists.txt of a typical BASIS project after the project meta-data is defined, information about the project modules has been collected, and the default BASIS settings were set. It is used by projects to override these default settings and to add additional project specific CMake options to the cache, e.g., using CMake’s option command. Another use case of this file is to set global project build settings such as common include directories or library paths which have not automatically been set by BASIS. In particular if an external dependency’s CMake configuration or FindPackage.cmake module set some non-standard CMake variables, a project can make use of these in the config/Settings.cmake file. An example of such settings are compiler and linker flags. If you want to add certain compiler flags or override the defaults, then do so in the config/Settings.cmake file. It should be noted that some BASIS settings cannot be overridden using this file if the BASIS standard does not allow so. But most settings can be overridden using this file.

For example if you want to enable all compiler warnings for your project and consider them moreover as errors, you would add the following to the config/Settings.cmake file:

  add_definitions(-Wall -Werror)


This build configuration file is for advanced use only in cases where the generic resolution of external dependencies used by BASIS fails due to an incompatible external package. In other words, if you need to call basis_find_package() or even CMake’s find_package directly to find a particular external dependency, add the needed commands to the Depends.cmake file. One use case would be if a package or the corresponding FindPackage.cmake module, respectively, requires certain CMake variables to be set prior to the find_package call. In such case, set these variables in config/Depends.cmake and specify the dependency as usual in the BasisProject.cmake file. If this approach is still not feasible for the particular package, add any code needed to find the dependency to config/Depends.cmake and remove the dependency declaration from BasisProject.cmake such that BASIS is not itself attempting to resolve the dependency automatically. This should only be needed and used in rare cases where the external dependency is not following the usual CMake guidelines. Often such situation is better resolved by providing a suitable FindPackage.cmake module for the external dependency. This module can then be added to BASIS, or put in the config/ directory of the project. If you have a CMake module to contribute to BASIS, we encourage you to open an issue with a patch attached or to send a pull request on GitHub.

The file is the template for the so-called CMake package configuration file which is generated by BASIS at the end of the build system configuration. The generated file will be named PackageConfig.cmake, where Package is the name of the top-level project, and contain information about the installation, the exported library targets, and possibly compiler options that were used to build the project. CMake’s find_package command searches for this file when looking for the package named Package and includes it to import the build and installation settings. Besides the typical attributes of the build and installation which are written automatically by BASIS to the PackageConfig.cmake file, additional custom project settings can be added using the config/ file, along with a file named config/ConfigSettings.cmake which sets the CMake variables that are used in the template.

This file is the template for the PackageConfigVersion.cmake file which is examined by CMake’s find_package command in order to determine whether the found package with the package configuration in PackageConfig.cmake meets the requested version requirements. The default file written by BASIS contains the following CMake code which is suitable for most projects. Otherwise, add a custom config/ template file to your project and it will be used instead.

# Package version as specified in BasisProject.cmake file

# Perform compatibility check here using the input CMake variables.
# See example in

  endif ()
endif ()

The so-called script configuration file sets CMake variables which can be used in scripted executables or libraries (i.e., modules). The respective build targets are added via basis_add_executable or basis_add_library. See the Build of Script Targets standard for details, in particular the section about the Script Configuration.

Package.cmake and Components.cmake

The configuration of CPack for the generation of installers or other distribution packages, such as source code or binary packages, is done by the BasisPack.cmake module. This module includes the config/Package.cmake file after the CPack variables have been set to the BASIS defaults if it exists.

The default configuration is derived from the project information as specified in the BasisProject.cmake file. As the config/Package.cmake file is included before the CPack module, it can be used to override the default CPack configuration. For example, additional exclude patterns can be added to CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to exclude additional files from the source code distribution package. Another example would be to change the type of installers that should be generated by CPack by selecting the preferred CPack generators. The default generator chosen by BASIS is the TGZ generator.

To define any package components for installers which support the installation of selected components, you can use the basis_add_component(), basis_add_component_group(), basis_add_install_type(), and basis_configure_downloads() commands. The respective CPack commands used by these basis_ counterparts are defined by the CPack.cmake module which is included, however, after the config/Package.cmake file as required by CPack. Therefore, the BasisPack module considers another project configuration file named config/Components.cmake. This optional file should contain any custom installation component definitions using aforementioned basis_add_ commands.

Header Files

Public Interface

Header files are considered part of the public interface of a project, if they are placed in any of the directories specified using the INCLUDE_DIRS parameter of the basis_project() command, which by default is the include directory of the project source tree. Using the recommended project layout, public header files have to be put in

Notice the subdirectories inside the include directory that help prevent the collision of header file names across packages and subprojects. Here, <package> is usually the name of the top-level project which in case of a module or subproject is the argument of the PACKAGE_NAME (or short PACKAGE) parameter of basis_project().


In most cases, the package name of the module is identical to the project/package name of the top-level project. Such module is considered an internal module of the top-level project.

In cases where the module is imported from another package, using for example a submodule feature of the used version control system, the module is considered external to the importing top-level project, unless the package name of the module corresponds to the (package) name of the top-level project. Even though the source tree of the top-level project includes the module source tree directly, external modules should still be considered part of an external package, i.e., the one named by the PACKAGE_NAME of the respective module.

Note that a top-level project whose name is specified as PACKAGE_NAME of a module does not have to exist. The package name serves rather as namespace for the module. All symbols of a software project belong to this (package) namespace. It should be emphasized that the concept of a namespace can be extended to all aspects of a software project, not only symbols of programming languages which have it built in such as C++. Therefore, the symbols which belong to the package namespace include project modules, target names, C++ classes and functions, as well as scripted libraries.

Private Interface

Header files which are located in a source code directory can be included in a source file without the need for a subdirectory structure such as the one used for public header files. These files are not automatically installed as they are assumed to be only used by .cpp modules which are eventually linked to an executable binary.

Private header files are generally located next to the .cpp files that include them. They can be included using paths relative to the location of the .cpp module using the #include "header.h" preprocessor directive. Alternatively, private header files can be included relative to a directory which is listed in the search path for header files using the syntax #include <header.h> which is also used for public header files.


Header files which are included by other public header files or contain public definitions of object classes that are linked to a library for use by other projects, are by definition part of the public interface and therefore must be located in one of the include directories.

Search Path

All directories which are given as arguments of either the INCLUDE_DIRS or the CODE_DIRS parameter of basis_project() are automatically added to the include search path using the BEFORE option of CMake’s include_directories command to ensure that the header files of the current project are preferred by the preprocessor.

Additional include paths can be added using the basis_include_directories() command. This can be done either in the CMakeLists.txt of the respective source code subtree or in the config/Settings.cmake file (recommended).

Custom Layout


Using a custom project layout is not recommended.

The BASIS layout has been battle tested and is based on standards. It is both reusable and cross-platform with a design that prevents subtle incompatibilities and assumptions that we have encountered with other layouts. Through experience and standardization we settled on the recommended layout which we believe should be effective for most use cases.

Nonetheless, we understand that requirements and existing code cannot always accomodate the standard layout, so it is possible to customize the layout. Therefore, the basis_project() command provides several options to change the default directories and add additional custom include and source code directories to be considered by BASIS during the build system configuration.

For example, a project may contain source code of a common static library in the Common subdirectory, image processing related library code in ImageProcessing, and implementations of executables in Tools, while the documentation is located in the subdirectory named Documentation and any CMake BASIS configuration files in Configuration. The BasisProject.cmake file of this project could contain the following basis_project() call:

  NAME        CustomLayoutProject
  DESCRIPTION "A project which demonstrates the use of a custom source tree layout."
  CONFIG_DIR   Configuration
  DOC_DIR      Documentation
  INCLUDE_DIRS Common ImageProcessing
  CODE_DIRS    Common ImageProcessing Tools

Another example for customization is given below for a top-level project which contains different subprojects named ModulaA, ModuleB, and ModuleC. By default, BASIS would look for these modules in the modules directory. This can be changed using either of the following basis_project commands, where in the first case it is assumed that all modules are located in a common subdirectory named Components:

  NAME        TopLevelProjectWithCustomModulesDirectory
  DESCRIPTION "A project which demonstrates the use of a custom modules directory."
  MODULES_DIR Components
  NAME        TopLevelProjectWithCustomModuleDirectories
  DESCRIPTION "A project which demonstrates the use of custom module directories."
  MODULE_DIRS ModuleA ModuleB ModuleC


CMake’s ExternalProject module is sometimes used to create a superbuild, where external components are compiled separately.

This has already been done with several projects. A superbuild can also take care of building BASIS itself if it is not installed on the system, as well as any other external library that is specified as dependency of the project.

The default project template of BASIS implements a superbuild of BASIS itself. This process is referred to as Bootstrapping BASIS and detailed below. A superbuild of other dependencies requires a custom superbuild script. A possible implementation of such superbuild is summarized below as well, including a working example.

Be aware, however, that there are also a number of details that become more difficult when making sure your superbuild is cross platform between operating systems and supports all of the generators and IDEs supported by CMake, such as Eclipse, Xcode, and Visual Studio, because the commands you select may only account for the platform you are using with the side effect of breaking others.

Bootstrapping BASIS

The bootstrapping of BASIS is implemented by the default basis template since version 1.1, which is included in BASIS since version 3.1. It is the recommended superbuild approach to automate the build of BASIS. Because BASIS is downloaded and build right away during the build system configuration, no separate ExternalProject target is required for BASIS.

The basis project template includes a BasisBootstrapping.cmake module which is included by the root CMakeLists.txt file. This module contains the definition of the basis_bootstrap() function which downloads, configures, and builds BASIS during the configuration of the project. It is called by the default root CMake configuration only if no BASIS installation was found on the system.

The basis_bootstrap() function accepts arguments which define the configuration for the bootstrapped BASIS build. This BASIS configuration should be such that all features of BASIS that are required to build the software project are enabled (incl. any required documentation generation support). Unused BASIS features should be disabled to not waste time for the configuration and build of these features. The resulting BASIS build will be tailored towards the needs of the project and should further only be used by this project. Users who wish a single BASIS installation for multiple packages should download and install BASIS manually.


The basis_bootstrap() function will only build BASIS in the build tree of the project and use this build directly without installation. An installation of BASIS is required, however, if any of the project’s executable or library targets make use of the BASIS Utilities. In this case, the BASIS_INSTALL_PREFIX must be set by the user to specify an installation prefix for the bootstrapped BASIS installation. This installation prefix should be either set to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX or a subdirectory within it as this installation should only be used by the software it was built for.

The following excerpt from the root CMakeLists.txt of the basis project template demonstrates the use of basis_bootstrap():

# look for an existing CMake BASIS installation and use it if found
find_package (BASIS QUIET)


  # otherwise download and build BASIS in build tree of project
    VERSION 3.1.0          # CMake BASIS version to download
    USE_MATLAB       FALSE # Enable/disable Matlab support
    USE_PythonInterp FALSE # Enable/disable Python support
    USE_JythonInterp FALSE # Enable/disable Jython support
    USE_Perl         FALSE # Enable/disalbe Perl   support
    USE_BASH         FALSE # Enable/disable Bash   support
    USE_Doxygen      TRUE  # Enable/disable documentation generation using Doxygen
    USE_Sphinx       TRUE  # Enable/disable documentation generation using Sphinx
    USE_ITK          FALSE # Enable/disable image processing regression testing
    INFORM_USER            # Inform user during first configure step
                           # that BASIS needs to be bootstrapped or installed manually

  # look for local installation
  find_package (BASIS QUIET)
    message (FATAL_ERROR "Automatic CMake BASIS setup failed! Please install BASIS manually.")
  endif ()
endif ()

The INFORM_USER option causes basis_bootstrap() to display an error message during the very first configure step of CMake to inform the user that the CMake BASIS package is required to configure and build the software. It further gives users a chance to edit the BASIS_DIR path in the CMake GUI to use an existing BASIS installation.


Do not set the BASIS_INSTALL_PREFIX automatically in the root CMakeLists.txt of your project, unless the INFORM_USER option of basis_bootstrap is used. Any change of the BASIS_INSTALL_PREFIX will install BASIS in the new location during the next configure run. The user would then possibly end up with (multiple) obsolete BASIS installations. The INFORM_USER option gives users at least a chance to edit the BASIS_INSTALL_PREFIX. They must do so, however, before another configure run to avoid multiple installations.

Superbuild of other Dependencies

After the bootstrapping of BASIS, other dependencies can be build using separate external projects for each of the dependencies and one final external project which builds the software itself. This last external project will depend on all the other external projects.

Please see the nested superbuild script of DRAMMS for reference on how to use the ExternalProject module of CMake to implement a superbuild. As BASIS will be bootstrapped and available already when the external projects of the dependencies are added, no nested superbuild is required in this case. Thus, skip the first section of the example superbuild script (the one which adds the external project basis) and set BUNDLE_EXTERNAL_PROJECTS to OFF. In fact, we suggest to only copy those lines from the nested superbuild example script, which are relevant for the non-nested superbuild. The CMake code required for this will be less complex and contain considerably fewer lines of code.


One goal of future BASIS releases will be to automate this proecess such that most common dependencies declared in the BasisProject.cmake file are automatically downloaded and build if no existing installation was found and the superbuild is enabled for this dependency. Additonal custom superbuild scripts for individual external packages would enable the superbuild of non-standard packages which are not yet supported by BASIS out-of-the-box as well.

Nested Superbuild of BASIS and other Dependencies

The second alternative uses CMake’s ExternalProject module and a nested super-build approach. This approach has been applied first for the superbuild of the DRAMMS software package with an older version of BASIS. If no BASIS installation is found, an external project for BASIS is added, which downloads and installs BASIS. A second external project, named bundle is used to build all the other dependencies, including the software project itself. This second external project recursively uses the same CMake configuration file, but this time with a valid BASIS_DIR. It adds for each package to be build after BASIS an external project. Note that these external projects are build targets of the bundle target which itself is an external project. Therefore this approach is referred to as nested superbuild. All build configurations of the various packages which are build by the superbuild have to be specified in the CMakeLists.txt which implements this superbuild. Any options and variables which a user should be able to modify must be passed to the respective ExternalProject_Add command in this script.

Test Configuration


BASIS supports the tools CTest/CDash which are related to CMake and provide continuous integration testing.

See also

CDash Integration for more detailed information.

Code Coverage

The test results such as the summary files generated by gcov are uploaded by CTest to a CDash server which can visualize them. The analysis of the gcov (or Bullseye) output and its conversion to the XML format used by CDash is done by the ctest_coverage CTest command. The information needed by CTest for the upload is read from a configuration file named CTestConfig.cmake which must be located in the top-level directory of the project. To get a visual report without a CDash server, the command-line tool lcov can be used to transform the gcov output into an HTML page.

The relevant compiler options when using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) are added by the basistest.ctest script when the coverage option is passed in, i.e.,

ctest -S basistest.ctest,coverage



The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is initialized by BASIS based on the platform which the build is configured on and the package vendor ID, i.e., the argument of the PACKAGE_VENDOR (short VENDOR) parameter of basis_project(). This package vendor ID is usually set to a combination of package provider and division or an acronym which the respective division is known by.

This default installation prefix can be overriden by the project in the config/Settings.cmake file. It can also be modified at any time from the command line, i.e.,

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/path/to/installation /path/to/code


By default, BASIS sets the INSTALL_RPATH property of executables and shared libraries based on the dependencies of the target. For each shared library which the binary is linked to and belongs to the same project (or package bundle), a path relative to the location of the binary is added to the RPATH of the installed binary. To figure out all the dependencies of a build target, BASIS has to perform a depth search on the dependency graph which is rather costly. Therefore, this feature can be disabled if desired either for performance reasons or because it is preferred that CMake sets the RPATH. There are two CMake variables which decide whether the RPATH is set by BASIS. The first is the advanced option -DBASIS_INSTALL_RPATH which can be set during the configuration of the build system to OFF (or better before, i.e., on the command-line to avoid the unnecessarily longer configuration time). If the feature should always be disabled, add the following line to the config/Settings.cmake file of the project.


Redistributable Files

In general, try to keep redistributable sources and binaries as small as possible.