Todo List
Member basis::exepath (const std::string &name=std::string())
This function currently makes use of the which command implemented in Python and called as subprocess in order to search a command in the system PATH. This which command is part of BASIS and can also be used on Windows. However, a native C++ implementation would be desireable.
Member basis::util::exepath (const std::string &name=std::string(), const IExecutableTargetInfo *targets=NULL)
This function currently makes use of the which command implemented in Python and called as subprocess in order to search a command in the system PATH. This which command is part of BASIS and can also be used on Windows. However, a native C++ implementation would be desireable.
Member basis_add_component (in COMPNAME, in ARGN)
Come up and implement components concept which fits into superproject concept.
Member basis_add_component_group (in GRPNAME, in ARGN)
Come up and implement components concept which fits into superproject concept.
Member basis_add_mcc_target (in TARGET_NAME, in ARGN)
Consider NO_BASIS_UTILITIES and USE_BASIS_UTILITIES options after the BASIS utilities for MATLAB have been implemented.
Member basis_add_test (in TEST_NAME, in ARGN)
Make use of ExternalData module to fetch remote test data.
Add full support for Java.
Member basis_list_to_delimited_string (out STR, in DELIM, in ARGN)
consider replacing basis_list_to_delimited_string with basis_join
Member basis_string_to_list (out LST, in STR)
Probably this can be done in a better way... Difficulty is, that string(REPLACE) does always replace all occurrences. Therefore, we need a regular expression which matches the entire string. More sophisticated regular expressions should do a better job, though.
Member ExternalData_add_target (in target)
Document funtion.
Member ExternalData_add_test (in target)
Document function.
Member get_filename_component (inout ARGN)
Fix issue which affects also basis_get_relative_path.