File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 __init__.pyInitialization file of BASIS Utilities package
 assert.hDefines macros used for assertions
 basis.cxxBASIS utilities of BASIS project of BASIS package
 basis.hBASIS utilities of BASIS project of BASIS package
 BasisBootstrapping.cmakeAuxiliary function to bootstrap the build of CMake BASIS
 BASISConfig.cmakeCMake package configuration file
 BasisConfigSettings.cmakeSets basic variables used in CMake package configuration
 BASISConfigVersion.cmakePackage configuration version file
 BasisPack.cmakeCPack configuration. Include this module instead of CPack
 BasisProject.cmakeSets basic information about a BASIS Project and calls basis_project()
 BasisScriptConfig.cmakeBASIS script configuration
 BasisSettings.cmakeDefault project-independent settings
 BasisTest.cmakeCTest configuration. Include this module instead of CTest
 basistest.ctestCTest script used to test BASIS projects
 BasisTools.cmakeDefinition of functions and macros used by BASIS project
 BASISUse.cmakeCMake package configuration use file
 CheckPublicHeaders.cmakeCMake script used to check whether public headers were added/removed
 CmdArgs.hDefinition of commonly used command-line arguments
 CmdLine.cxxManages command line definition and parsing of arguments
 CmdLine.hManages command line definition and parsing of arguments
 CommonTools.cmakeDefinition of common CMake functions
 config.hSystem related macro definitions
 config.shDefines constants such as the BASH version
 ConfigSettings.cmakeSets variables used in CMake package configuration
 ConfigureIncludeFiles.cmakeCMake script used to configure and copy the public header files
 core.shCore functions for Bash development
 CTestCustom.cmakeCustom testing configuration
 Depends.cmakeFind additional dependencies
 Directories.cmakeCMake variables of project directories
 DirectoriesSettings.cmakeCMake variables of project directories
 DocTools.cmakeTools related to gnerating or adding software documentation
 except.hBasic exceptions and related helper macros
 ExecuteProcess.cmakeExecute process using CMake script mode
 ExportTools.cmakeFunctions and macros for the export of targets
 ExternalData.cmakeManage data files stored outside the source tree
 FindAFNI.cmakeFind programs of the AFNI package
 FindBASH.cmakeFind BASH interpreter
 FindBLAS.cmakeFind BLAS library
 FindBoostNumericBindings.cmakeFind Boost Numeric Bindings package
 FindGMock.cmakeFind Google Mock package
 FindITK.cmakeFind an ITK installation or build tree
 FindJythonInterp.cmakeFind Jython interpreter
 FindLIBLINEAR.cmakeFind LIBLINEAR package
 FindMATLAB.cmakeFind MATLAB installation
 FindMatlabNiftiTools.cmakeFind MATLAB Central package "Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE Image" (#8797)
 FindMOSEK.cmakeFind MOSEK ( package
 FindNiftiCLib.cmakeFind nifticlib package
 FindPerl.cmakeFind Perl interpreter
 FindPerlLibs.cmakeFind Perl libraries. Fixes issue with CMake's default FindPerlLibs
 FindPythonInterp.cmakeFind Python interpreter
 FindPythonModules.cmakeFind Python modules
 FindSparseBayes.cmakeFind SparseBayes package from Vector Anomaly Limited
 FindSphinx.cmakeFind Sphinx documentation build tools
 FindSVMTorch.cmakeFind SVMTorch II package
 FindWeka.cmakeFind Weka ( package
 GenerateConfig.cmakeGenerates package configuration files
 get_python_lib.pyAuxiliary Python script to get installation directory for site packages
 glob.cmakeGlob source files and optionally compare to previous glob result
 ImportTools.cmakeFunctions and macros for the import of targets
 InstallationTools.cmakeCMake functions used for installation
 InterpTools.cmakeScript interpreter tools
 JTap.javaUnit testing framework for Java based on the Test Anything Protocol
 MatlabTools.cmakeEnables use of MATLAB Compiler and build of MEX-files
 MultiArg.hExtends TCLAP's MultiArg implementation
 os.cxxOperating system dependent functions
 os.hOperating system dependent functions
 path.cxxFile/directory path related functions
 path.hFile/directory path related functions
 path.shPath manipulation functions
 PostprocessChangeLog.cmakeScript used to postprocess ChangeLog generated from commit history
 ProjectSettings.cmakeDefault project-dependent settings
 ProjectTools.cmakeDefinition of main project tools
 RevisionTools.cmakeCMake functions and macros related to revision control systems
 Settings.cmakeNon-default project settings
 shflags.shAdvanced command-line flag library for Unix shell scripts
 shtap.shUnit testing framework for BASH based on the Test Anything Protocol
 SlicerTools.cmakeDefinition of tools for Slicer Extensions
 stdio.cxxStandard I/O functions
 stdio.hStandard I/O functions
 subprocess.cxxDefinition of module used to execute subprocesses
 subprocess.hModule used to execute subprocesses
 TargetTools.cmakeFunctions and macros to add executable and library targets
 test.hMain include file of C++ unit testing framework
 testdriver-after-test.incDefault implementation of test driver
 testdriver-before-test.incDefault implementation of test driver
 testdriver-itk.hxxITK-based implementation of test driver
 testdriver.hDefault test driver include file
 testdriver.hxxDefault test driver implementation
 TopologicalSort.cmakeCMake implementation of topological sorting algorithm
 utilities.cxxMain module of project-independent BASIS utilities
 utilities.hMain module of project-independent BASIS utilities
 utilities.pyMain module of project-independent BASIS utilities
 utilities.shMain module of project-independent BASIS utilities
 UtilitiesTools.cmakeCMake functions related to configuration of BASIS utilities
 ValueArg.hExtends TCLAP's ValueArg implementation